My husband is from MI and has been wanting to move our family there for as long as I can remember. Well I have always been up for it, but Michigan really caught my attention when we found this place. This is where we want to live. It is absolutely beautiful.
I am listening, I am learning, I am healing, I am praying...
I am blessed, I am grateful, I am loved, I am never alone...
I am not a person that writes to be gramatically correct. I write what I feel. I type as the words flow from my heart. I am a small voice, but if it is God's will it will be a voice that is heard.
I started in high school taking photography classes and continued into college with my 35mm. Times have advanced and we have moved on from the dark room to the digital age. Where photoshop is the new dark room. The basic touch-ups of editing are no more. Let's do something fun! This is my idea of what makes a great photograph in the digital age.
I love it when I have visitors on my blog! Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know what you think!
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