I think people sometimes don't realize just how much goes into editing a picture. I was checking out a friend and one of my favorite Wedding photographers Scarlett Lillian's blog today and stumbled upon this.
Scarlett says it best:
"Un-picture perfect
Want to know what Cameron Diaz and Kelly Clarkson REALLY look like before
they are touched up by Photoshop? Just to prove to you that celebrities aren't
perfect, you can check out their before and after pictures to see the major
difference. I saw this link on fabulous photographer Kelly
Moore's blog and was fascinated by it. Just goes to show you the wonders of
Photoshop and the levels you can take it too! Click here and then click
on PORTFOLIO at the top to see the before and afters. So for all your gals out
there who compare yourselves to the flawless celebrities, STOP. They aren't
flawless either!"